Observer Name: Kerri Clarke
Observation Start Time: 16.00
Observation End Time: 16.30
Weather Conditions: Wind and snow
Depth of Observations (indicate meters or feet): 10m
Water Visibility: Poor
Water Turbidity: (high, medium, low): Low
Water Current Speed (high, medium, low): Low
Water Temperature (indicate C or F): 6c
Notable Flora: Very little at depth. Seaweed close to shore
Notable Fauna: 1 Painted Goby, 2 Leach's spider crab, 2 shore crab , 8 common hermit crabs, 4 common starfish, 1 spiny spider crab, 2 squat lobster, 1 common prawn, 1 dog whelk, 1 juvinelle dab, 4 football jersey worm.
Human Activity at Site: Lots of boats moored at site, some boating activity.
Rubbish/Pollution: Bottle and plastic sack removed from site.
Other Observer Comments: