Observer Name: Kerri Clarke, Andrew Clarke
Observation Start Time: 12.30
Observation End Time: 13.30
Weather Conditions: Overcast, wind and rain
Depth of Observations (indicate meters or feet): 22m
Water Visibility: Poor
Water Turbidity: (high, medium, low): Medium
Water Current Speed (high, medium, low): low
Water Temperature (indicate C or F): 13C
Notable Flora: Dead mans fingers, Ascideiella Asprsa, Sagartia Elegans, feather stars and Lightbulb squirts cover all surfaces of the wreck. Large areas of sea orange and Esperiopsis fucrum sponges. Some boring and breadcrumb sponges
Notable Fauna: 7 goldsinny, 2 tompot blenny, 5 edible crabs, 2 sea urchins, 10 common starfish, 1 actinothoe sphyrodeta (anenome), 1 dragonet, 1 conger eel, shoals of bib and pollock, 2 large common lobsters, 1 purple sunstar, 1 little cuttle. ?? grey seal.
Human Activity at Site: Lots of boating activity.
Rubbish/Pollution: Rope and plastic on wreck.
Other Observer Comments: Lots of plankton visible in the water, large shoals of fish present, possible grey seal sighting but due to bad visibility we can not be 100% sure. The areas of Esperiopsis fucrum sponges appear to be spreading. Lots of dead crabs on the wreck.